APU Life Membership

APU membership is open to photographers from all over the world, subject to the approval of the APU membership committee. The membership is Life subject to the terms and conditions. The APU Life Membership is USD$100. All members are listed in the Member List page.

As a member of APU,

  • Receive the APU electronic Life Card
  • Receive monthly email of photography activities and updates
  • Invitation to join APU photography activities (Exhibitions, photo tours etc)
  • Eligible to apply for APU Salon titles
  • Invitation to submit works for the APU members e-exhibitions
  • Invitation to join APU Golden Dragon Photo Awards ceremony and event at APU member’s special rate
  • Invitation to join APU Photo Festival at APU member’s rate

Join us now and be part of the big family in APU.

 Instructions for the registration / 会员申请步骤

  1. Key in the fields and upload individual profile photo / 填写相关资料并上传个人相片
  2. Click on register / 点击注册
  3. Wait for approval which may takes 14 days / 会员申请需要大概14天批复
  4. Upon approval, an email will be sent to you. You may log in with your email and password to update your profile or gain access to your e membership card / 会员申请批准将会收到电邮通知。会员可用其电邮及密码登入会员页面,更新个人资料以及使用电子会员证。

Photo can be of any size. System shall autoresize to fit photo to the membership card.



Email will be used for login.

Interest(s) / 兴趣 :
Preferred Activities / 有意参加的活动 :
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